Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists
Home Calendar of Events Outreach
News Links
Donations Are Welcome Contact Us

Statement of Purpose
(revised 9/2/16; originally adopted Nov 13, 2004)
We, the Reconciling United Methodists of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, in order to embody "open hearts, open minds, open doors" will:
- help Oregon-Idaho United Methodist Churches and ministries be places of welcome and safety for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) persons and become more inclusive in their day-to-day life, language, witness, and teaching;
- provide resources and support to local churches and ministries to help them discuss, develop, and publish statements that proclaim their welcome to all persons, specifically every race, nationality, age, gender, social condition, ability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, previous faith experience, and questioners; and
- state clearly that "we are not leaving" the United Methodist Church and that we will find ways to promote unity.
Reconciling Ministries Network "Reconciling Ministries Network mobilizes United Methodists of all sexual orientations and gender identities to transform our Church and world into the full expression of Christ's inclusive love." -- RMN Mission Statement (revised 2009)
We Will Not Discriminate in Our Ministries
The link below is to the Word document of the "We Will Not Discriminate in Our Ministries" Clergy statement. Feel free to pass along to others.
Northwest Links
Oregon Idaho RUMs shared E-mail list on Groups.io
Oregon's Rural Organizing Project
Basic Rights Oregon
Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Albany First UMC
1115 28th Avenue Sw
Albany, OR 97321
Phone: 541) 928-3505
Email: info at albanyfirstumc.org
Web page: www.albanymethodist.org
Alpine Abbey at New Meadows UMC
PO Box 189
New Meadows ID 83654
Facebook page
Ashland First UMC
175 N Main St.
Ashland OR 97520
Phone: 541-482-3647
Web Page: Ashland First UMC
Beaverton First UMC
12555 SW Fourth Street
Beaverton OR 97005
Phone: 503-646-7107
Email: Office at Beaverton UMC
Web Page: bEAVERTON umc
Bend Church - United Methodist
680 NW Bond St.
Bend, OR 97703
Phone: 541-382-1672
Bend Church - United Methodist Email
Bend UMC web Site
Boise State University Wesley House
(contact needed)
Collister UMC
4400 Taft St
Boise ID 83703
phone: 1-619-980-3423
Collister UMC Email
Collister United Methodist web Page
Christ United Methodist Church
12755 NW Dogwood St.
Portland, OR 97229-5550
Phone: 503-646-1598
Church office email
Christ United Methodist church web site
Corvallis First UMC
1165 N.W. Monroe
Corvallis, OR 97330-6045
Phone: 541-752-2491
Fax: 541-752-3636 |
fumc at corvallisfumc.org
Web Page: Corvallis First UMC
Dallas UMC
565 SE Lacreole Drive
Dallas OR 97338-1614
phone: 503-623-2481
Dallas UMC Email
Dallas UMC Web Page
Epworth UMC
1333 SE 28 Ave
Portland OR 97214
Epworth UMC PDX web page
Eugene First UMC
EUGENE OR 97401-3960
Phone: 541-345-8764
Email: eugenefumc at eugenefumc.org
Web Page: Eugene First UMC
Florence UMC
333 Kingwood St.
Florence OR 97439
Phone: 541-997-6024
Florence United Methodist web site
Fremont UMC, Portland
2620 NE Fremont Street
Portland, OR 97212
Phone: 503-284-4647
Email Fremont UMC Office
Fremont UMC, Portland, Web Site
Gresham UMC
620 NW 8 St
Gresham OR 97030
Phone: 503-665-1192,
Gresham First UMC Web Site
Hillsboro UMC
168 NE 8th Ave.
Hillsboro, OR 97124-3205
Phone: 503-640-1775
Email: office at Hillsboro UMC
web page: www.hillsboroumc.org
Hillview UMC, Boise
8525 West Ustick Road
Boise ID 83704
Phone: 208-375-0392
Email: churchoffice at hillviewmethodist.org
Web page: Hillview UMC web site
Jefferson United Methodist Church
310 North 2nd Street
Jefferson, Oregon 97352
Phone: 541-223-1387
Jefferson UMC Web Site
Junction City United Methodist Church
750 West Tenth Avenue
Junction City OR 97448
Phone: 541-998-2622
Fax: 541-998-2633
email: jcumc2 at Juno.com
Find us on Facebook.
Lake Oswego Inclusiveness Committee
Lake Oswego UMC, Lake Oswego OR
(Contact needed)
Lebanon-Sweet Home Reconciling Group
c/o Garry Browning
811 W. Oak St.
Lebanon, OR 97355
Phone: 541-258-3542
Email: jmanorhouse at comcast.net
Lincoln Street UMC
5145 SE Lincoln St,
Portland OR 97215
Phone: 503-231-1930
Web site: Lincoln Street UMC
Madras UMC
49 NE 12 Street
Madras OR 97741
Phone: 541-475-2150
Web site: Madras UMC web site
McMinnville Cooperative Ministries
544 NE 2nd Street
McMinnville, OR 97128-4611
Phone: 503-472-5622
E-mail: maccoopoffice at gmail.com
Web page: www.mac-coop.org
Metanoia Peace Community UMC (Peace House)
2116 N.E. 18th
Portland, OR 97212
Phone: 503-281-3697 | Fax 503-282-8985 |
E-mail: john at metanoiaumc.org
Web Page: https://www.thepeacehouse.org
Medford UMC
607 West Main St.
Medford, OR 97501-2741
Phone: 541-773-3691
Church.Office AT medfordumchurch.org
Medford UMC web site
Montavilla UMC
232 SE 80 Avenue
Portland OR 97215
Phone: 503.254.5529
Web Page: Montavilla UMC
Morningside United Methodist Church
PO Box 3076
(Located at: 3674 Twelfth Street, SE)
Salem, OR 97302
Phone: 503-364-5013 | Fax 503-371-2083 |
E-mail: umcmorningside at gmail.com
Web Page: Morningside UMC
Newberg First UMC
1205 Deborah Road
Newberg, OR 97132
Phone: 503-538-5404
Web Page: https://newbergfumc.org/
Newman UMC Grants Pass
132 NE B Street
Grants Pass OR 97526
Phone: 541-479-5369
Newman UMC Web Site
Oak Grove United Methodist Church
PO Box 68238
Oak Grove, OR 97268
Located at: 14700 SE Rupert Drive
Oak Grove, OR 97267
Phone: 503-654-3161
Email: ogumc at comcast.net
Oak Grove UMC Web Site
Oregon City UMC
18955 S. End Rd, Oregon City OR 97045
Oregon City Email
Oregon City UMC Web Site
Pocatello UMC
200 North 15 Avenue
Pocatello ID 83201
Phone: 208.232.1353
Email Pocatello UMC office
Facebook page for Pocatello UMC
Portland First UMC
1838 S.W. Jefferson Street
Portland, OR 97201
Phone: 503-228-3195 | Fax 503-273-8711 |
E-mail: office at fumcpdx.org
Web Page: Portland First UMC
Rainbow Connection
1107 N. 18th St.
Boise, ID 83702
willisonjenny AT gmail.com
Collister United Methodist Web Site and
Cathedral of the Rockies web site
Rose City Park UMC
5830 NE Alameda
Portland, OR 97213
Phone: 503-281-1229
E-mail: office at rosecityparkumc.org
Web Page: Rose City Park UMC website
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
11631 SE Linwood Ave
Milwaukie OR 97222
Phone: 503-654-1705
Web Page: www.StPaulsUMC.us
Salem First UMC
600 State St.
Salem, OR 97301-3848
Phone: 503-364-6709
Email: salem1st at wvi.com
Salem First UMC Web Site
SE Portland Parish
3915 SE Steele
Portland, OR 97202
Phone: 503-777-3901
SE Portland Parish Web Site
"a creative collaboration between Trinity United Methodist Church and Sellwood Faith Community"
Silverton UMC
203 W Main Street
Silverton OR 97381
Phone: 503-873-6517
Silverton UMC web site
Spirit of Grace Lutheran (ELCA)-United Methodist Church
1140 Tucker Road
Hood River OR 97031
phone: 541-386-3993
Spirit of Grace Web Page
Sweet Home UMC
845 Sixth Ave
Sweet Home OR 97386
Phone: 541-367-3073
Email/web site: Find us on Facebook
Tigard United Methodist Church
9845 SW Walnut Place
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Phone: 503-639-3181
Tigard UMC Email
Tigard UMC web site
Trinity Reconciling Methodist Group of Trinity UMC
237 N. Water Ave.
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Phone: 208-522-7921
Trinity UMC Idaho Falls Email
Trinity Idaho Falls Web Site
Trinity UMC, Toledo
383 NE Beech St.
Toledo OR 97391 Phone: 541-336-2450
Web Page: Trinity UMC
United Methodist Women Love, Hope, and Faith in Action, First UMC, Eugene OR
195 Gilham Rd
Eugene OR
Phone: 541-344-4085
E-mail: lee.char at msn.com
University of Oregon Wesley Foundation
2520 Harris Street, Eugene OR 97405
Phone: 541-346-4694
Web Page: University of Oregon Wesley Foundation Facebook page
Vermont Hills UMC
6053 SW 55th Drive
Portland OR 97221
Phone: 503-246-1213
E-mail: humchur at qwestoffice.net
Web site: Vermont Hills UMC
Wesley UMC
1385 Oakway Road
Eugene OR 97401
Phone: 541-343-3665
Wesley UMC Eugene Email
Web page: Wesley UMC
WestM-United Campus Ministry Westminster House
101 NW 23rd Street
Corvallis OR 97330
Phone: 541-753-2242
Web page: United Campus Ministry
Statements of Inclusion
The Oregon-Idaho RUMs subscribe to the RMN's Foundational Statement ( Rooted & Rising ) effective September 2020:
"We celebrate God's gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, who are also of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of education, and family structure, and of every economic, immigration, marital, and social status, and so much more. We acknowledge that we live in a world of profound social, economic, and political inequities. As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in solidarity with all who are marginalized and oppressed."
"reconciling statements" -- from Oregon-Idaho Reconciling communities are available here:
National and Regional Links
Reconciling Ministries Network home page
Rooted & Rising web page
Methodist Federation for Social Action
United Methodist Church, official site
Declaration of Inclusion - a congregational action
Love Prevails
Affirmation web site
Parents Reconciling Network (PRN)
Strong Family Alliance web site
Church within a Church
Methodists in New Directions (Reconcilers in New York)
North Carolina Reconciling United Methodists
Oregon Community of Welcoming Congregations
The Institute for Welcoming Resources
Affirm United, Canada
LGBT Religious Archives Network
Western Jurisdiction Justice Movement
Trans People
People of Color
Young Adults
Home Calendar of Events Outreach News Links Donations Are Welcome Contact Us
If you have any problems with this web site, please E-mail the webmaster webmaster at oirums dot org